Sunwarrior embarks on a mission to illuminate lives with light, energy, and love through nature's boundless resources. Our origin story begins with Denley Fowlke, who transformed his health and life by turning to nutrition. This journey of discovery led to the creation of Sunwarrior alongside Nick Stern, driven by the vision of providing clean, plant-based nutrition. Focused on plant-based proteins and superfood supplements, Sunwarrior is dedicated to producing products that are not only vegan but also free from dairy, gluten, soy, GMOs, and synthetics.
Understanding the significance of Earth-friendly practices, Sunwarrior commits to organic and non-GMO ingredients whenever possible, emphasizing the importance of sustainable farming and harvesting at peak seasons. Our products are formulated for optimal absorption, ensuring that each individual can achieve peak performance and wellness.
Now a globally recognized brand, Sunwarrior continues to source the finest organic ingredients worldwide, manufacturing our products in Southern Utah to maintain the highest standards of quality. With a steadfast commitment to nourishing and transforming the planet, Sunwarrior is more than just a nutrition company; it's a movement towards a cleaner, healthier world, one individual at a time. Join us as we continue to innovate and provide the cleanest, most powerful foods designed for everyone's nutritional journey.