Kitayama Brothers Farms

Florist's Choice Lisianthus

1 bunch

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Florist's Choice Lisianthus

Product Details

Approx. 10-12 stems per bunch, 12-15" tall
With serpentine stems and rose-like pedals, these beautiful Florist's Choice Lisianthus flowers continue to bloom over the course of 3-4 days.

To enjoy the longest vase life, give your flowers a diagonal cut and replace water daily.

While this Florist's Choice Lisianthus might have different colors than pictured, we promise you it'll still be just as beautiful.

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About The Producer

Kitayama Brothers Farms
Watsonville, CA
KB Farm is one of the premier greenhouse flower operations in Watsonville, CA, growing a wide range of beautiful varieties year-round using biological controls, reduced water usage, and minimal use of only least-toxic pesticides.Read more