California Pajarosa Floral

Fresh Lavender

1 bunch
Fresh Lavender

Product Details

Approx. 20-30 stems, 10-15" tall per bunch

Bearing that intoxicating smell which makes the plant so beloved, these long-lasting, narrow spikes of purple and strongly aromatic flowers come with many uses: cooking, oil extraction, or in a simple vase on your table. Their fragrance has noticeably sweet undertones with vivid purple blooms, making its appearance and scent known through any room.

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About The Producer

California Pajarosa Floral
Watsonville, CA
California Pajarosa Floral is a greenhouse rose grower in Watsonville, CA, that uses sustainable growing practices. The operation employs over 50 year-round employees in the local floricultural industry, some of whom have been with the company for over 30 years.Read more