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Stahlbush Island Farms

Frozen Green Peas


10 oz
$5.26 / lb
Frozen Green Peas

Product Details

10 oz bag
A favorite among our tasting table donations to the local schools, our sweet tasting green peas even get kids excited about eating veggies.  Try combining them with basil, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, and Parmesan cheese for a fantastically simple pesto dish.

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About The Producer

Stahlbush Island Farms
Corvallis, OR
Located in the heart of Oregon's lush Willamette Valley, Stahlbush Island Farms is an environmentally friendly farm and food processor committed to sustainable agriculture. Our philosophy is that farming practices should leave the soil, air, water, plant life, animals and people healthier. For us, sustainability is a continuing journey.Read more