Ellwood Canyon Farms

Family-Sized Organic Snap Peas

3 lb
$6.66 / lb

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Family-Sized Organic Snap Peas

Product Details

The best snacking veggie ever! Sweep them through your favorite dip, toss them in a stir fry or curry, or just eat them all on their own for a refreshing treat. Sweet, crisp sugar snap peas, get 'em while you can! Bet you can't stop at one... yum!

Buy 3 lb and save! $6.99 for 1 lb; $19.99 for 3 lb!

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About The Producer

Ellwood Canyon Farms
We are a CCOF Certified Organic farm in Goleta in Santa Barbara County. Our goal is to build a farm that people can connect with and allow our community the opportunity to know their farmers and know where and how their food is grown. Come walk our fields, talk with us about our farming practices, and see and touch the vegetables you will soon eat. We feel by establishing this direct connection people will begin to see the importance of what they are eating and how it is grown, in turn leading to healthier lifestyles, a healthier community and a healthier planet.Read more