Rancho Llano Seco's Ground Pork has the perfect ratio of fat to lean meat, blended from the most flavorful cuts of the animal. It can be transformed into many dishes: spiced breakfast patties, tacos, ragù, or your very own homemade sausages.
Rancho Llano Seco's pigs are a cross of Duroc and Yorkshire breeds. The hogs are fed GMO-free, vegetarian grains and legumes, 80% of which are grown on the Rancho. Pigs are raised in deep-bedded hoop barns with continual access to large open-air pastures with plenty of sunshine and a great view of the California Buttes. All animals are confinement-free for 100% of their lives, humanely treated with best practices certified by Global Animal Partnership. The pigs are never fed antibiotics or growth hormones. Llano Seco Pork is the culmination of our mission to provide a variety of products while caring for the people, the animals, and the land. Rancho Llano Seco prides itself in a holistic approach to ranching.