Honeycut Kitchen

Honeycut Kitchen

Los Angeles, CA

Honeycut Kitchen is reinventing one of America’s popular snacks, the snack cake, by taking a minimalist approach. Founded by Jenny, who grew up on a overprocessed Midwestern diet and had a complicated relationship with food and fitness, developed a newfound interest in nutrition. She began to bodybuild and gained a new and healthy perspective on how to better fuel her body. However, she found she could not let go of one of her favorite childhood snacks, the snack cake, that is also a huge part of American culture. By starting Honeycut Kitchen, she delivers snacks that have a balanced nutritious profile, while uncompromising on taste and flavor. Believing that the body craves simple and wholesome ingredients, her products are high in protein, low in sugar, and gluten-free using just a few necessary ingredients. They hope that their products can help those develop a healthy relationship with food, that satisfying a sweet tooth craving doesn’t have to be physically or emotionally damaging, but a positive experience.

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